Blue Fox Paper Truck Activity
For us roofing is a family affair – and because of that we’ve done our best to make roofing more than bearable. Dare we say? *Insert dramatic pause* We’ve made roofing fun again!
Meeting with contractors, comparing credentials and checking reputations can be demanding. It can even rob your family of valuable quality time. So our family has come up with a little activity to bring yours back together. When the dust settles on your decision making process, you and yours can have a little fun. Because roofing is fun again!
Step 1:
Download the Blue Fox Paper Truck activity sheet.
Step 2:
Print it on card stock (or skip step 1 & 2 and just ask your Blue Fox rep to give the printed paper truck)
Step 3:
Watch the paper truck assembly video and put yours together.
Step 4:
Share your finished and loaded truck online. Then tag us if we can share it too!